I Get It

There is so much more to experience in life than a miserable daily  commute to a cube farm. That doesn’t mean you don’t want to work.  It means you have decided that work should be a PART of your life, not your WHOLE life and you want to enjoy EVERY PART of your life.   

So, you have decided to work on your own terms; choosing for yourself how your daily schedule should look. 

Here’s The Thing

Owning a small business is TOUGH!!  There is all of the paperwork, marketing, and the small day-to-day decisions that eat away at your time.  You need to focus on work that brings in money or speaks to your soul. 

That’s where I come in.  I’ll handle the non-revenue generating and mundane tasks while you focus on your passion and profit.

Let me help you REALIZE your Small Business Dreams!